Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Wind and the Rain are Driving Me Insane

YAY for rhyming title.

My socks are wet,
I need a new pet,
I shall call her Chet.

She will live in a box,
It will really really rox,
She will eat red sox.

This is a rhyming poem,
I cant think of anything woe-m,
Say hello to mister Toem.

I am done having fun,
Hope u enjoyed reading this one,
But now I really got to run.


  1. That was rather amusing. :P

  2. This amused me so much. I love it. :D You need to write more poems!

  3. mmkay i try to whenever my head gets better

  4. Yeah, I heard you weren't doing so well. :( Feel better soon, hon. *HUGS*

  5. omg i think that just made may day
