Sunday, November 29, 2009

can a man walk on water?
swim without a falter?

the waves to come and go
flames sure to show
i dont even know
lets just see this garden grow

to stand is to fall
because to stand you need the fall
the pain wont wain
ya got nothing to gain
so let the fall commence, but wait there's a cane

it helps you up from the fall down
tells you to wipe of that horrendous frown
and just for laughs he wore the gown.

the laughter lasts through the night
with his body putting up a great fight
"tomorrow will be my last" he screams with all his might

he dies without a last breath
struggling to get his meth
now we celebrate his death

the man that helped you the most
didnt have that much to boast
so u sell his name as you give the toast

live your days with all his knowledge never given
ya wonder whats keeping you driven
from beyond the grave the man whispers "your forgiven"

Friday, November 27, 2009

If You Feel Like Dieing You Might Want To Sing!

story time

so this happened to me about a year or so ago and it was nice of the guy and kinda makes me like old people a little bit more but idk some can still be blah.

so i was walking home from school and i am just passing by the church and the guy asked me if i wanted a ride. i had never seen him before and i haven't seen him since to my knowledge (memory being horrible and all) he doesn't go to my church i don't kno him at all. i say sure throw my backpack in the trunk and go for a ride with him. we go down to close to my house he was the one that said ok i am only taking you this far and turned down Melissa and i got out got my bag and walked home. he was nice and all when most of the older people figure im going to kill them or something worse, and yes there are multiple things worse than death.
the end

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm Thinking.......Please, Make It Stop

so i went shooting people today some good times a lot of bad times bu i guess that's war. in warring times one has to not care weather ur a good shot bad shot armless legless or sometimes headless it just matters that you go out fighting and the whole point its not that you kno your gonna lose its how long it takes you to lose and how many sons of bitches you can kill before hand. i think i would rather play shooter video games than real life cause real life hurts sure in this game u respond next round like video game once ur core/head is hit ur dead.

so i still have no money and no job i just might fall into the whole service industry which would probably mean cutting this hair i gots on my head. people says no but it is quit lengthy or maybe just start putting it into a ponytail more often, idk.

im gonna have to do papers soon to help me mom out cause father is away so might as well. at least chomp face is gone. that fucking dog scared the living shit out of me foe a good month or so. sure it never bit me but its bark just sounded like he ment business. that dog learned to get out of the garage by opening a windo just so he could bark at me. im sure there was one time the owner even let him out....hopefully they didnt kno i was out there or that wouldve been just plain mean.

Monday is a special day.

so Ive been dating this girl for about 11 months now and its going good i wish i could do more in relationship ways but fuck i aint good at talking or nothing just typing what the brain thinks. we are good in ways i like, very good ways i like....i still just wish i could do more. i look around and see all these faces, many places i see these faces, so many times i wish i was greater better but nope i aint. she usually asks me why her why did i choose to date her, i sorta stole my answer from "the ugly truth" cause love is a fucked up mistress that no one understands. i always have the question in my head why are you with me? you could have so much better than this. we all think we all write we don't all speak. i myself am probably one of those biggest advocates for the not speaking part. its easier to type my thoughts than say them out loud because saying them out loud means people might not hear them cause of a mumble of something and then there's the emotion behind i all. typing all it needs is grammerish and a person with eyes to read your language. i am no leader no hero no brain wiz no this special thing or that special thing the only thing that keeps me special is having her around (cheese is good shut up) sure people compliment me and all but i for like the first 15 years of my life i don't think people really ever cared what i did so i don't know what to ever say wen a true compliment comes floating around.

well i guess i should sleep now, and if i have said anything that may offend u listen to the guy at the end of a mid summers nights dream